Vaconbafbhaumn (Ziyaretçi)
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Светится error al237 на частотном регуляторе M400-02200056A. Похожие приборы ATV71HD90Y, CIMR-F7C23P71, FR-A820-01250-1 на вентиляции работают исправно.
Подсказку нашел в поисковике по запросу "buk9y25-60e" . Оказалось подгорел стабилитрон.
Всем успехов! |
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Vacondgcchaumn (Ziyaretçi)
| | Приветствую всех!
Высветилась авария 13 на частотном регуляторе M700-04200137A. Другие приборы ATS22D17S6, CIMRV7SC45P50, CIMR-G7C27P51B установленные на насосах работают.
Инструкцию нашел через bing по запросу "Ремонт частотного преобразователя Altivar 31 atv31hu40n4" . Неиcправен был кондёр.
Всего хорошего! |
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Deltapubyib (Ziyaretçi)
| | Вечер добрый!
Выходит error w223 на частотном приводе FR-A120E-7.5K. Подобные приборы ATV61WD15N4, CIMR-G7A43P71, E1-7011 040H установленные на компрессорах в порядке.
Методику нашел через майлру по запросу "mc35xs3400" . Оказался неисправен управляющий контроллер.
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Deltawqipyy (Ziyaretçi)
| | receiverInputResistance = 12000; Single parallelinputResistance = receiverInputResistance; for Int32 numberOfUnitLoads = 2; numberOfUnitLoads <= 32; numberOfUnitLoads++ parallelinputResistance = receiverInputResistance * parallelinputResistance / receiverInputResistance + parallelinputResistance ; Console.Write "With " + numberOfUnitLoads ; Console.Write " unit loads, parallel input resistance = " ; Console.WriteLine Math.Round parallelInputResistance ; Receivers that are a fraction of a unit load have higher input resistances. For example, the input resistance of a 1/8-unit-load receiver is 96k, and the total parallel resistance of 32 of these receivers is 3k. A receiver that is a fraction of a unit load may be slower than other receivers though some, such as the 1/8-unit-load MAX3088, can operate at up to 10 Mbps. A line can have more than 32 unit loads if the network’s common-mode voltage range is less than the maximum allowed or if the line’s differential load is greater than 60Q. Chapter 7 has more about common-mode voltages. Termination components can reduce the maximum allowed number of unit loads. Speed An RS-485 line can have a bit rate as fast as 10 Mbps or as long as 4000 ft but not both at the same time. Longer cables require slower bit rates because the cable’s capacitance slows the signal transitions. Figure 6-4 is a general guideline for determining allowed bit rate for a cable length as recommended by TIA-422. At rates of up to 90 kbps, RS-485 and RS-422 support cable lengths of up to 1200 meters 4000 ft . At faster rates, the maximum allowed cable length drops, to around 120 meters 400 ft at 1 Mbps and 15 meters 50 ft at 10 Mbps. The graph assumes an unshielded, terminated twisted pair with a wire gauge AWG of 24. 87 Chapter 6 BIT RATE В ITS/SECOND Figure 6-4: RS-485 supports transmissions up to 10 Mbps, but the higher bit rates require shorter cables. Internal Protection Circuits In a half-duplex line, only one driver should |
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Michaeltruica (Ziyaretçi)
| | Доброго времени суток!
Вылазит ошибка er202 на преобразователе частоты M300-06200330A. Подобные приборы ATV71WD37N4A24, VZAB0P2BAA -s5030, CIMR-L7B45P57A на вентиляции функционируют.
Направление нашел через bing по запросу "Ремонт частотного преобразователя Altivar atv212hd22n4s" . Неиcправен был диодный мост.
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